Dag: 15 december 2011

Musik: There ain’t no Christmas without you

Tjolahopp. Bjuder lite på mig själv och släpper ut ytterligare en av den tjocka pärmens alla gömda hemmagjorda låtar. En julsång. Vassegoda – ENJOY! Or not!

There ain’t no Christmas without you, Text och Musik: Lilla Jag! 🙂

It’s Christmastime for everyone
and Santa Claus is commin’ to town

But I don’t care
you’re not here
There ain’t no Christmas without you

The snow is coloring the world in white
The stars are twinkel so very bright

But I don’t care
if you’r not here
There ain’t no Christmas without you

Silverbells and candlelight
christmascarrols, snow so white
Santa Claus and christmastree
But nothing of that is important for me

It’s holliday – lets celebrate
take some candy and stay up late

But I don’t care
if you’r not here
There ain’t no christmas without you

Lots of presents if you been good
Decorations and lots of food

But I don’t care
if you’r not here
There ain’t no christmas without you

Silverbells and candlelight
christmascarrols, snow so white
Santa Claus and christmas tree
But nothing of that is important for me

It’s Christmastime for everyone
and Santa Claus is commin’ to town

But I don’t care
you’re not here
There ain’t no Christmas without you

Christmasgreetings to everyone
It’s holliday – lets have som fun

But I don’t care
if you’r not here
There ain’t no christmas without you
There ain’t no christmas without you
There ain’t no christmas without you




Hemma med halvrisig bus. Troligen skola som vanligt imorgon – men idag har vi en off-dag. jag tvättar. Bus spelar X-box.

(fast jag har jobbat två timmar…. den stunden klarar han sig ju själv)

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